Onboarding Best Practices for Millennials and all Employees

On Demand


Reducing turnover and fast-tracking new employees to productivity is a key business imperative. The reality is that about 30% of employees don’t make it past their first year and it’s expensive. Good recruitment and hiring can be quickly undone by disorganized poorly executed new employee orientation. And as millennials become a driving force in the workplace, they represent special opportunities and challenges. Every generation has unique needs and Millennials are no different. But good onboarding practices for Millennials is generally good for everyone. This is an opportunity to step up our game.

The research is clear; a systematic comprehensive onboarding process is good business. In fact formal onboarding increases the chance of keeping a new employee for at least 3 years by 69% and one study showed employees were productive two months earlier with an effective program. Employees get up to speed quicker and stay on the job longer when their first year experience is well managed.

Best practices onboarding integrates the employee into the company through socialization, acculturation, training, and coaching. The result is employees who clearly understand their role and feel connected to the company. We’ll show you how best of class programs start onboarding during recruitment and have a systematic program for the first year of work. This webinar gives you the key components to a cost-effective onboarding plan that will increase retention and productivity.

Areas Covered in the session?

    The purpose and benefits of a great onboarding program

    Understand the 5 key components of a best practices onboarding program.

    Understand the four “C’s”: Compliance, Clarification, Culture, Connection

    8 Tips for enhancing Millennial onboarding

    Applying gamification to onboarding – why and how

    How to structure a comprehensive onboarding plan

    Nurturing Millennials from the start

    Five metrics to help measure effectiveness

    How to build connections with new hires

    Quickly getting Millennials to their full potential

    How retention interviews support onboarding

    Receive an assessment of your onboarding program

    Receive coaching and mentoring questions to build engagement and loyalty

    How to use technology to modernize your program

    Best practices for effective programs

    Problems and pitfalls to avoid in building your program

    Tips and ideas to make your program more effective

Why should one attend this webinar?

Effective onboarding ensures employees become more productive and effective more quickly, increases engagement, and improves retention. Onboarding best practices is a competitive advantage for companies that want to succeed.

Who will benefit by this webinar:

Human Resources professionals, leaders, managers, supervisors, and organizational development.


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