2023 Best Practices for Multi-State Payroll Tax

On Demand


Many companies who do business in more than one State do not understand how to determine which State they must pay taxes to. They also do not understand that each State has different laws regarding residents and non-residents.  This topic will give you guidelines on what factors determine which tax the employer must withhold.  It will explain the differences of residents and non-residents and how to properly report withholding.  No employer wants to face huge fines and penalties for failing to be in compliance with State laws and regulations.  The material covered in this webinar will give you the tools necessary to make sure your business remains in compliance. (Recorded Date- August 29, 2023)

Learning objectives

   •  You will be able to define when a State law takes precedence over a federal law.

   •  You will be able to explain what Nexus is and whether your company has it.

   •  You will be able to identify State minimum wage rates.

   •  You will be able to recognize which State you pay Unemployment Taxes to.

Course Outline:

   •  Income Tax Withholding

  1. What State should I withhold
  2. Business Nexus
  3. Reciprocity between States
  4. Reporting Requirements-Residents vs Non-Residents

   • State Unemployment Insurance

  1. Employees working in more than 1 State
  2. What is SUTA dumping
  3. Quarterly Wage Requirements & Electronic Reporting

   •  Wage & Hour Issues

  1. Federal/State Relationship
  2. State W-4’s
  3. State Minimum Wages

   •  Local Taxes

  1. Am I required to withhold
  2. Where do I pay
  3. Helpful Websites

Who Will Benefit

   •  Payroll Tax Professionals
   •  Bookkeepers
   •  Small Business Owners
   •  CPA's
   •  Tax Preparers
   •  Managers

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